Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week Two

Week Two

The primary focus of this past week has been to familiarize myself with various research databases. Proquest is the database that I will be using to examine and categorize graduate level dissertations. In order to get a hang of how to use Proquest, Dr. Shermer assigned a preliminary exercise that entailed finding one dissertation from each of the five universities that the her upcoming book will focus on. Despite the fact that on paper this process appeared to be rather straightforward, I found myself becoming quite frustrated with ProQuest after my first several attempts. After about an hour of messing with several search options I noticed a few tricks that made the process rather quick and painless. I then received instructions pertaining to how these sources should be categorized in regard to the time period in which they were written as well as which subjects they pertain to.
I also scheduled an appointment with a research librarian so that I may become more familiar with various databases pertaining to government documents (specifically congressional hearings). I was given some pointers on how to use the database Lexis Nexis more efficiently. This was a relieving experience because this database caused a huge degree of frustration last semester because its search engine is brutally inefficient. I was shown a few helpful shortcuts that make using the search engine much easier. I was also informed that there is a research librarian at the library who specializes in government documents. I then set up an appointment with him and met with him today. He then showed me how to use Proquest and the website to research government documents online. He provided me with a database that is useful for finding government documents in print.
This week was extremely significant due to the fact that I was taught how to use the various tools of which will be vital for the majority of my duties during this internship. I have learned over the years that research databases can be irritating and sometimes all it takes is a little help from someone who knows how to work around practically any issue I may encounter. Now I feel comfortable and confident that getting the ball rolling with this experience should go smoothly, and its reassuring to clearly see that help is available if it seems to not be going so smoothly.

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